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With an aim to make 2D game development learning fun, ct.js recently went open source to allow anyone to jump in and try it as well as help push it further.
How about a little open source news to get your Monday flowing? Game porter Ethan Lee recently announced the release of wsPublish, an open source Steam Workshop Interop Library with a little history.
A nice story for a Friday morning as the SUPERHOT team have announced SUPERHOT PRESENTS, a fund to help other indie game developers who don't want or need a publisher.
Since this comes up so often when testing games for developers and surprisingly often for newly released Linux games, I thought it might help to give developers a quick hint.
Hot on the heels of the announcements of both Epic Games and Ubisoft supporting further Blender development, the massive Blender 2.80 release is now available.
Today, The Khronos Group has formally announced the OpenXR 1.0 specification as an exciting step towards bringing together the various different ways of interacting with virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
If you're a game developer, you've likely heard of SDL 2 and plenty of you are probably already using it. In fact, SDL 2 helps power a huge amount of Linux games and a new release is out now.
Here's one that's not something I usually cover: Procedural Music Generator is a tool for use with Unity, that allows anyone to make some interesting tunes for their games., the cross-platform Steam Workshop-like service that's independent of any store just today officially launched a very useful sounding plugin for the Unity game engine.
Now for something a little different! Ryan "Icculus" Gordon, a name known for many Linux ports and SDL2 teamed up with indie developer Amir Rajan to create a new cross-platform toolkit.
Here's something interesting, Epic Games are launching their Epic Online Services and it will support Linux as well as multiple different game engines.
The Khronos Group recently announced a provisional specification of OpenXR, a royalty-free open-standard aimed at unifying access to VR and AR (collectively known as XR) devices. Also, Collabora announced Monado, a fully open source OpenXR runtime for Linux.